While the effects from treatment are not permanent, you can expect your Morpheus8 results to last approximately a year. Treatment time varies, and depends on the size of the treatment area. Following your session, recovery time normally lasts anywhere from three to five days. Some degree of redness or swelling can be expected but this subsides in the first few days. Your Victoria Park expert will guide you on what to do after treatment. Normally, it’s best to refrain from physical exercise, spas/saunas, hot showers, and sun exposure up to 72 hours after treatment. Additionally, it’s best to try to avoid active ingredients—like like retinol, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or vitamin C—those first few days too.
Gradually, you’ll start to see results. Some clients begin to notice a difference in their skin’s appearance shortly after treatment, while others really see it after several weeks. As your skin heals and repairs itself, it will take up to three months for you to see final results. We recommend follow-up treatments to maintain that dreamy glow.