There are a number of things that make PicoWay® unique and, we believe, the best solution for tattoo removal in Montreal.
The first major difference is the use of photo-acoustic vs. photo-thermal technology. With photo-acoustic, laser energy is delivered so fast that even the smallest ink pigments are shattered. With photo-thermal, the laser energy is delivered more slowly so that only the larger pigment fragments will shatter.
The PicoWay’s picosecond (one trillionth of a second) technology delivers photo-acoustic power and shatters ink pigment with little photo-thermal effect—thus ensuring that the surrounding tissue does not receive much heat. The old technology, called Q-switched lasers, generally took 12 to 16 treatments, use nanosecond technology delivering photo-thermal and a small amount of photo-acoustic energy. The surrounding tissue is traumatized with the ink pigment being more slowly heated and broken down. The skin needs more time to heal between treatments and the ink particles need more treatments to break down.
The second major difference is the use of three light wavelengths, with each light wavelength targeting a different colour ink pigment. This allows the PicoWay to better treat all colour of tattoos, especially historically difficult to treat greens, reds and yellows.
These differences allow the PicoWay to treat more tattoo colours and types, with less sessions, less discomfort, and better results.