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Sculptra® treatment? at our clinic Kanata.

Non-invasive solution
Stimulate collagen production with revolutionary Sculptra®
Alt. Boost your collagen naturally with Sculptra®, an injectable like no other

From deep wrinkles and creases to uneven texture and tone, it’s inevitable: our skin naturally changes with age, something brought on by collagen loss. Collagen is produced by the human body. Kind of like scaffolding, it’s the structure that gives our skin its bounce and firmness, and is a necessary protein for skin, muscle, and bone health. Over time, however, collagen production slows, causing a loss in elasticity and sagging skin.

By the age of 45, in fact, most people may have up to 25% collagen loss*. This, along with environmental factors, like sun exposure, can lead to the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and folds. Creams and supplements may claim to activate collagen production, but the only real way to stimulate it is to target it at the source. That’s why if you’re looking to get a smoother skin texture, there’s no more effective solution than targeting it at the source—below the dermal layer. That’s where a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment like Sculptra® comes in.

*Shuster S et al. Br J Dermatol 1975:93:639-643



The Victoria Park Medispa Kanata Clinic is a pioneer in laser and injectable treatments, boasting a wide array of aesthetic solutions for all your needs. Formerly known as the Kanata Skin Clinic, it was founded in 2004 by Dr. Erik Hegmann. His experienced medical team is now supported by registered nurse Cathy Read-Brule, who has over 20 years of experience in cosmetic injections. Other treatments available from expert technicians include body contouring, laser hair removal, and skin care as well as injectables such as Botox Cosmetic® and dermal fillers.

Sculptra® is an injectable and is composed of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible synthetic substance. Rather than delivering instant volume, Sculptra® stimulates the body’s own collagen production. When injected into the skin, Sculptra® penetrates deep into the dermal layers. The PLLA micro-particles function as a catalyst for collagen regeneration. Over time, this enhanced collagen production leads to a natural-looking enhancement of the skin’s structure, reducing the appearance of aging. The versatility of Sculptra® has significantly contributed to its popularity. It effectively treats aesthetic concerns like deep lines, folds, and wrinkles, and it’s also used as a non-surgical cheek augmentation treatment to improve volume loss in the face.
What is

Sculptra® is an injectable and is composed of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible synthetic substance. Rather than delivering instant volume, Sculptra® stimulates the body’s own collagen production. When injected into the skin, Sculptra® penetrates deep into the dermal layers. The PLLA micro-particles function as a catalyst for collagen regeneration. Over time, this enhanced collagen production leads to a natural-looking enhancement of the skin’s structure, reducing the appearance of aging. The versatility of Sculptra® has significantly contributed to its popularity. It effectively treats aesthetic concerns like deep lines, folds, and wrinkles, and it’s also used as a non-surgical cheek augmentation treatment to improve volume loss in the face.


Facial contouring non-surgical options like Sculptra® seem to have taken the medical aesthetics world by storm. This product specifically is an injectable that acts as a collagen stimulator to use your body’s natural processes to rejuvenate and enhance your skin. These factors make it a highly sought-after alternative to its more invasive cosmetic counterparts.

As previously mentioned, collagen is a key structural component under the skin that gives shape to the face, keeping skin looking full and firm. Over time, our bodies make less collagen, and our skin loses its elasticity and volume. But, innovative treatments like the Sculptra®, have been specifically formulated to address these concerns. Unlike anything else currently available on the market, Sculptra® is a medical aesthetic injectable that stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, helping it regain its elasticity and suppleness.

Sculptra® Treatment

BefoRe the treatment

Curious about whether Sculptra® is right for you, based on what you’ve read so far? The only way to know for sure is by booking a consultation with a Victoria Park Medispa expert. At your appointment, they will help you determine whether a natural collagen stimulator treatment is the best option for you.

During the treatment

Your nurse injector will first identify, then apply a topical anesthetic to the injection site. Once the Poly-L-lactic acid-based formula kick-starts your body’s natural collagen production. This surplus of collagen then acts as a support system, bringing back strength and elasticity to your skin. This gives it a refreshed revitalized look, the way it was in your younger years.

  • Sculptra is injected into the deep dermis (as shown in the illustration) or subcutaneous layer.
  • Sculptra contains particles of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) that help stimulate your skin to produce collagen. As a result, the injected volume helps fill out the wrinkles and/or correct volume defects.
  • Over time, the PLLA particles are degraded, but the collagen deposits remain and provide gradual, long-lasting improvements of wrinkles and volume defects.

Wondering about the difference between Sculptra® and other fillers, like dermal fillers? One of the distinguishing characteristics of Sculptra®  is its ability to initiate a renewed collagen production process that occurs naturally in your body. This is fundamentally different from traditional dermal fillers, which introduce volume directly and immediately. 

In contrast, Sculptra works gradually for a natural look, and can be considered a type of long-lasting dermal filler solution. This is because its effects can be observed for over two years after treatment.

After the treatment

Results from your Sculptra® treatment may not be visible immediately in the hours after treatment—but don’t worry. Recovery time for collagen stimulators is fairly quick. After about six to eight weeks, you’ll be delighted by how refreshed and natural your treatment looks. The best part? Your results will last for roughly two years’ time.

Related Conditions

Non-invasive and non-surgical Sculptra® injections are a highly effective treatment option and may be an option for anyone looking to:

  • Reduce facial wrinkles
  • Find solutions for fine lines on their cheeks that don’t necessarily involve dermal fillers
  • Improve facial volume without surgery
  • Are curious about treatments for aging skin
  • Are wondering about cheek volume restoration
  • And want to maintain a youthful skin appearance or enhance their facial features naturally
  • Would prefer to find an alternate solution to injectable fillers for their deep wrinkles

Beyond improving facial volume without surgery, Sculptra® can also be injected in the following regions:

  • The cheeks
  • Temples
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Buttocks

While Sculptra® is incredibly versatile, it’s worth noting that it is not recommended for use in some areas where the dermis is thin. We’ll likely suggest other treatments for your forehead, eyes, and lips, due to its specific properties and the way it works to stimulate collagen.

Many people inquire about Sculptra® buttock and hip dip injections. It’s widely used for nonsurgical buttock contouring, often referred to as Sculptra® butt injections or butt lifts, and contouring the hips, known as a Sculptra® hip dip correction. This injectable treatment can effectively help treat cellulite in these areas too when it is caused by skin laxity. This can create the illusion of extra muscle mass and definition in your glutes and thighs, as well as your biceps, triceps, and pectorals. It’s high time you found out if this treatment is right for you.


Got questions about treatments for Hair Loss? We’ve got your answers here

How long does Sculptra® last?

Keep in mind that with Sculptra® injections, results are not instantaneous. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see an immediate change in appearance. Since this injectable treatment stimulates natural processes, results require time to appear. Typically, patients see noticeable skin improvements a few weeks to months after the initial treatment. These gradual and subtle changes ensure that the outcome does not appear sudden, drastic, or unnatural. The number of Sculptra® treatments needed varies based on each person’s age, skin condition, and desired results. However, a typical regimen often involves an average of three injection sessions every 6-8 weeks. One of the standout benefits of Sculptra® is its longevity. Unlike traditional fillers that require yearly touch-ups, these results are known to last over two years. This is due to its unique mechanism of stimulating collagen production, which has long-lasting effects compared to the simple volume addition provided by dermal fillers.

Are there any downsides to getting Sculptra® treatments?

While Sculptra® is generally safe for most people, certain individuals are advised against its use due to potential risks and complications. You should avoid getting this treatment if you are:

  • Allergic to ingredients found in Sculptra®, such as poly-L-lactic acid, carboxymethylcellulose, and non-pyrogenic mannitol
  • Suffering from skin infections or inflammation
  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Prone to the formation of keloids or hypertrophic scarring

Is Sculptra® safe?

Sculptra® has been approved since 2006 by Health Canada for aesthetic medicine and has over 20 years of patient use and clinical evidence.

When administered by a trained, experienced professional, collagen stimulation treatments are generally considered safe and has been used effectively in aesthetic medicine for several years. The primary ingredient, poly-L-lactic acid, is a biocompatible and biodegradable synthetic material used safely for decades in various medical applications, including dissolvable sutures. 

This injectable treatment is administered by aesthetic medicine specialists who have undergone extensive training and have received certification from Galderma, the company behind Sculptra®.


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