From collagen-based to hyaluronic, there are various soft tissue fillers available today, many of which use either synthetic or substances naturally produced by the human body. Below are three of the most common solutions your Victoria Park Medispa experts might recommend.
1- Hyaluronic acid: Produced by the body and often found on labels of your favourite skin care treatment, we use hyaluronic acid-based fillers to provide the effect of a more hydrated and plump look.
2- Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers: These types of fillers are formulated using a substance found in our bones, often for deeper wrinkles. Calcium-derived fillers can often last for up to a year.
3- Poly-L-lactic acid: This rebuilds structure and volume by stimulating your body’s collagen production process. It’s the compound present in treatments like SculptraⓇ.